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Professor Game Podcast

Jul 30, 2018

As a veteran educator, and long-time gamer, Tracy is enthusiastically exploring and bringing gamification to her classroom learning communities, like her Chemistry class where the students have to solve puzzles and find the secret code to escape the classroom. She·s a masters educated chemist about to start her 15th year of teaching. She·s the organizer for the Pittsburgh chapter of the National Coalition of Gamers and hosts many gaming events every month, such as MEEPLE. When she's not gaming, she's exploring the world, planning another trip, or diving into new games and new experiences -- how about a content-driven escape room in your class? Yes please!

Jon Cassie is Director of Curriculum and Innovation at TVT Community Day School in Orange County, California. A podcaster, gamer and teacher, he is the author of "Level Up Your Classroom," a practical guide to game-based learning and the gamified classroom, published in 2016 by ASCD.