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Professor Game Podcast

Dec 26, 2022

On this episode we bring Yu-kai Chou back! At the time of the recording, my newborn daughter wasn't still around, so you might hear a reference here and there about me saying "when I become a parent" or similar. Because this episode is all about what we can learn and apply from gamification with our own kids....

Dec 19, 2022

Lincoln Stoller, Ph.D., CHt, CCPCPr From a family of artists and architects he became a scientist, finding inspiration in a succession of extraordinary mentors. A Caribbean fisherman and prophet, a tribal elder in the jungles of Panama, one physicist who invented quantum mechanics, another who invented the laser, and...

Dec 12, 2022

Alexander Vilinskyy. Right now Co-Founder at, Head of Design at Decipad, running Super Clear design studio in London. ex-designer at Spark, Grammarly, Documents (iOS) and other productivity startups.

Dec 5, 2022

Geoffrey Golden is a narrative designer and game writer. Past clients include Capcom, Disney, Square Enix, Ubisoft, and indie studios around the world. He’s written interactive stories and games in many mediums, from consoles to comic books. Adventure Snack, his email newsletter RPG, has been featured by...